Saturday, February 3, 2007

POTD #30

Here is one I took of my girl today. She got this big old floppy hat, and was so funny wearing it. 1/15 at f/4, ISO of 200.

POTD #29

In one of my photography classes we went outside to see the effect of using fill flash on an evening photo using the night setting. It was snowing this really fine snow that was sparkling, so instead of freezing I started shooting this tree and the snow falling. 1/60 at f/3.5, ISO 200.

POTD #28

This is a set of horns on the old cabin wall. I wanted some of the textures, but the details of the bloody fur just gross me out. Call it artistic. 1/60 at f/5. ISO 400.

POTD #27

Here is a picture I took last week that I am just getting to uploading. It is my DH and DD, and it is an old cabin where my husband does competitive shooting. I am always hanging back, and watching these two explore. I was freezing. 400 ISO, 1/20 at f/20.

POTD #26

Here is one of my kitty, Patches. The blanket she was laying on was light, so her white fur got lost. But overall, I like it. 1600 ISO, 1/15 at f/5.