Sunday, May 27, 2007

Exposure experiment

So this is what I understand about the grey card. It helps the computer choose a true black, white, and neutral . . . and here is where I lose steam. Does this help set the white balance (which I understand as the color value) or does it help poperly expose the picture? And most importantly, am I total idiot because I don't know that answer? Feel free NOT to answer that last one, 'kay?

So what I did is use the card at the back of Scott Kelby's book. Had Emily hold in when I was shooting the picture. (Not in raw. Maybe I should have been?) Then when I opened the pictures, I chose one with the card in it. I opened a new Curves adjustment layer, used the black eyedropper on the black, white on white, and grey on the dark grey. I then upped the middle of the curve slightly to brighten it up a bit. Saved the curves settings. So when I opened another with the same lighting, I loaded the prior adjustment.

First picture is the original, second w/adjustment. Be brutal with me. Did it work? What does it mean again (wb or exposure)? And is this the correct process?


Saturday, May 26, 2007

More action with action

This one is called bleach. Really like how it salvaged a dark, grainy photo of Em and her cat. Also it brought some life to these dark, grainy photos of Jen's dance recital from last week. The colors just glow now!

Friday, May 25, 2007

Bubbles, anyone?

We played outside the other night with bubbles. There was not much sun left, so most of my pics were blurry and soft. No big surprise, right? But I liked the way the bubble is visiable at the top left corner of the pic.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Playing with some actions.

This is seriously addictive!

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Playing with PS

Having some fun. Found this tutorial and gave it a whirl. What do you think?

My faves

I love these flowers. So I had to share the amazing scent with miss j. Not sure I'm loving the angle, but hey, never hurts to try something new!

Here is my second attempt, trying to cut down on the yellow cast on this picture. What do you think?

Round number three . . .applying Kent's Colorfix action (and my first time running an action! HURRAY FOR ME!) Which is best?

It's time . . .

for me to add a few more favorites. This one is my DD after her dance recital (hence the makeup.) I am SO MAD that my camera was set at 1600 from trying to shoot pictures indoors. Noisy, grainy mess, I tell you! But love the look on her face.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Another Favorite

I photoshopped this one using the Orton technique, but love how her head is thrown back laughing. And the tulips were GORGEOUS!

Saturday, May 5, 2007

My girl

One of my students asked to take pictures of her at prom this year. I got so many amazing pictures, but this, by far, is my favorite. 1/250 at F/5, ISO of 125.