Here is another one. AGAIN with the "soft" effect when I'm going for SHARP. I cannot for the life of me tell what the heck I'm doing wrong. And again, the exposures that look right on the screen are dark when I load them to the camera. I'm going to check the manual and figure out how to tell the camera to overexpose one setting, like Sherry suggested.
Also, called the photo store and signed up for a class. I'm just too frustrated.
Here's my pic du jour. Had my Tamron 75-300 lens. Shooting in manual. Exposure 1/80, ISO 200, f/5.0.
I'll get this. Eventually!
The softness of your pic (in this case) might have to do with your low shutter speed and ISO. I think that if you bump your ISO up to, like 800, you'll be able to up your ss, too, and maybe avoid some of the soft edges that you're getting now. Otherwise, I thik it's a beautiful picture! Love the way she's cooperating most of all!! :O)
I love the softness of this. I really do. And I love the soft colors of her coat. Beautifl picture.
i like it too.
what method are you using for focus points?
looks like maybe this one hit the tree instead of her?
1/80 should give you pretty good speed- enough that you shouldn't have to worry TOO much about motion blur- i wonder if perhaps your hand is shaking ever-so-slightly-- or maybe if even you might be moving the camera just as it's finishing processing?
dont get frustrated.
do we ever get enough practice? not me, so far. :)
i like it-- i really do!
I was going to suggest that you use your camera's software to pinpoint the focus point for you. I've found that most times my pictures are fuzzy is either b/c I'm not focused in the right spot, or I have just a little camera shake. Be careful that you aren't moving your camera away too quickly.
I took a similar picture of DD today peaking around a tree. I couldn't get the settings right today. I am just learning this photography stuff. Very cute subject that you have to photograph!
Cooperation, what's that? LOL keep trying you'll get it. I'm thinking about signing up for classes also. just need DH to watch the munchkins so I can do that....hmmm :)
really cute photo, I think that your focus point may have been to the right, because your trunk is pretty clear.
sweet. her expression is great. I think the focus just fell on the tree instead of her.
Lots of advice to get the softness sorted. I'm going to follow it too! Nice setup to this shot.
You're doing great! We all will always have a lot to learn! You're getting great advice! I love the softness and brightness of her in contrast to the tree. She is a cutie pie!
I love this picture. I like the colors and angle and what a cute subject
You did get some great advice - helped me out some too! lol
I love this photo. I can't wait to see more of your work. :)
Lovely picture. I have the same problem with my camera underexposing. I usually take a few shots with different exposure levels just to make sure. Also with the focus - arrgghh that used to drive me crazy. Now I use just the central focus point - not so many blurry eyes, sharp hair shots now.
I know you weren't going for the soft effect but it sure is beautiful! It really is a great shot!!
Kay - how are you focusing manual or auto? If auto how do you have the matrix set up (not sure that's the right word) . . . on my Nikon I can set it up for closet subject, single, or dynamic. I'm wondering if part of the problem with this picture is you have it set up for closest subject?
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