This pic is from a mini tree that belongs to my oldest DD, that I suspect will be up until sometime this summer. She's a college student. I used my 50 mm f/1.8 lens, shooting in manual. ISO was 400, and exposure was 1/5 s at f/4. Absolutely no photo editing.
A very special thank you to Amanda who is trying to help me out with my issues. (Good luck, Amanda! LOL!)
It is so much easier when they don't move-isn't it? LOL! Very nice capture.
Very cool! Love the tree in the background!
Nice picture...I'm working on those things also. Maybe I need to quit chasing my kids around with the camera and find something that doesn't move also!
Nice picture. I think I need to pick some nonmoving object to learn on, also.
Beautiful. Yep non-moving subjects are soooo much easier!
Love the ornament. Cool shot.
You're welcome and thank you for the sweet mention! You will get this, dang it! I promise!
BTW... practicing on still objects is a great idea! Keep it up!
Great picture. Love how the tree looks in the back. I did some like that for my banner but yours looks better:)
Lovely pic. LOL about the non-moving subects, That's why I like landscapes - they doing move and they don't pull funny faces.
Don't stress, you will get it. The trick is to take lots of pics. Try changing one thing at a time. ie take pics of something keeping the iso and ss the same but changing the aperture, then do the same for the others. This will give you an appreciation of the difference each setting makes. I too about 100 pics of an artichoke before I got it.
All the best
personally, Kay...I think you are way to hard on yourself...part of what I've always loved about your layouts is your photos. It's great that you are trying to learn more and refine your skill (i should be too), but you are already a great photography!!
Beautiful! I have to ditto what Jillmarie said above me here. Your photos are already wonderful, it is great that you are inproving your craft, but you are by far a great photographer to begin with!!
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