Sunday, January 7, 2007


When my dd plays, she arranges her toys just so on the table. I snapped a photo of these miniature horses she is so crazy about, and like the effect. I was lazy and shot in auto to get a read for the best settings in manual. It was using my Tamron lens, at 1/60 s at f/5. ISO of 400.

I start my photography class tomorrow!!!!! Yipee!!!!


Krissynae said...

You are having so much fun with these photos. Have fun in class

Ariana said...

I really like this. I'm so excited for you that you get to start a photography class!

Don't you love when kids do funny things with their toys?

Rebecca said...

I like your dof, great colors here.

Patti said...

Great DOF. She has some great horses. The photography class sounds exciting