Monday, January 15, 2007

POTD #15

Well, we got a snow day today, and my girl has already been outside playing. Took this photo this morning. And with all of the snow, I kept getting streaks in the pictures. FRUSTRATING. Also, they were very dark and grainy again.

Settings: Manual, Tamron 55-300, ISO 200, f/22, 1/50 s.


Carolyn said...

I think that your daughter is beautiful, and your composition is great.

I think that you will see better results in your exposure if you up your shutter speed a bit...a faster ss would have frozen the snowflakes, and you may have help to maintain a crisp focus.

Anonymous said...

Great work under the wintery conditions...I always have a hard time when the snow is falling!

Krissynae said...

She is too cute. I like the softness of the picture

Dar Kaso said...

Gorgeous, lovely capture of your dd.

Rebecca said...

Cute picture :)

I can't imagine going out and shooting in freezing cold weather. Kudos to you!